LexisNexis® 40 UNDER 40 2023

Huijun Li


Dowway & Partners

LexisNexis® 40 UNDER 40 2023

Huijun, a distinguished legal professional, has carved a niche for herself in the realm of international commercial arbitration and domestic commercial litigation arbitration. With master's degrees from China University of Political Science and Law and the University of Hamburg, she embarked on a journey that led her to become the youngest partner in a renowned Chinese law firm established in 1996.

In the past year, Huijun has demonstrated exceptional acumen, representing clients in numerous international business litigation and arbitration cases, and assisting state-owned enterprises in China with crucial compliance projects. Her transition from a salaried lawyer to a partner is a testament to her adaptability and leadership.

Huijun's commitment to the legal profession extends beyond her role. She has established a personal IP on online platforms, conducted legal awareness sessions, and offered public legal consultation services. Her collaborative efforts with NGLegal, where she provides growth coaching for legal practitioners, further underscore her dedication to the field.

Huijun is a trailblazer, driving innovation in the legal sector. She has introduced legal AI to enhance lawyers' efficiency and recorded a course on international commercial arbitration practice for young lawyers. Her insightful writings on contemporary legal issues reflect her thought leadership.

Endorsed by her mentor at NGLegal, Dellen Dai, Huijun's journey from a salaried lawyer to a partner is hailed as a reflection of her ambition, resilience, and leadership. Her transformative growth and dedication to the legal profession make her a valued asset in the industry.