LexisNexis Hong Kong In-House Counsel Market Insights: Report 2021

What Matters to You in the New Normal?

In light of the unprecedented pandemic, 2020 was an eventful year for all businesses and the legal industry had no exception. The prevalence of work-from-home arrangements may have seemed far-fetched before but have become the norm now. Some companies hit hard and even faced contract disputes or winding-up conflicts as unfortunate consequences. There is no doubt that the impact on the legal landscape is significant and staying ahead of the competition is now more vital than ever.

We conducted a survey of Hong Kong In-House Counsel on the business challenges and interests in the new normal, and we are delighted to present you the findings and market insights that help you “Focusing on what matters”.

Please fill in the form below to download the report and contact us to learn more about how innovative legal technology solutions can accelerate the efficiency of your operations and mitigate the business risk.

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