LexisNexis® 40 UNDER 40 2022 律商聯訊「40位40歲以下精英」榜單

Nicholas Tam 譚柏榮

Legal Manager法律經理

Ogier 奧傑

LexisNexis® 40 UNDER 40 2022 律商聯訊「40位40歲以下精英」榜單

Nicholas Tam is a living example of the idiom “The cream always rises to the top.” Even while studying for his Commerce and Law Degrees from The University of Melbourne he became a Research Fellow in a US Senator’s Office in Washington DC and reached the grand final of the Australian Law Moot National Championship. All this, before the age of 21.

After discovering he could pursue a legal career in Hong Kong, he completed several winter associateship schemes and decided to pursue a career there in commercial litigation.

He again displayed his aptitude for excellence by graduating from the PCLL program with three major awards including the Sir Po-Shing Woo Gold Medal in Law.

In the following years, he developed expertise in commercial and maritime litigation with a particular interest in international trade sanctions. By his mid-20s, he was training, sharing and publishing information on sanctions around Asia, and in international media.

Now at Ogier, he’s added offshore commercial litigation to his legal repertoire. He’s advised on prominent company and insolvency cases before the BVI and Cayman Courts, as well as appeals to the Privy Council. The latter included restructuring deals, disputes, and major bid transactions. He’s known for “taking the hardest cases with gusto” and his achievements inspire others.

He has been a key driver for the Ogier Dispute Resolution Team becoming the leading offshore litigation offering in Hong Kong.

Alongside his work he’s a subject matter expert, writing for prominent texts used by Hong Kong lawyers.

Nicholas Tam(譚柏榮)是諺語“the cream always becomes to top(來自愛默生,是金子總會發光的)”的活生生的例子。 即使在墨爾本大學攻讀商業和法律學位時,他還是成為了華盛頓特區美國參議員辦公室的研究員,並參加了澳大利亞法律類比全國錦標賽的大決賽。 所有這些,都在他21歲之前完成。


他從PCLL項目畢業,獲得了三個主要獎項,包括寶成宇爵士法律金質獎章(Sir Po-Shing Woo Gold Medal),再次展示了自己的卓越才能。

在隨後的幾年中,他積累了商業和海事訴訟方面的專業知識,特別關注國際貿易制裁。 到20多歲時,他已經在亞洲各地和國際媒體上培訓、分享和發布制裁資訊。

現在在Ogier,他將離岸商業訴訟添加到他的法律工作中。 他曾就英屬維京群島和開曼法院的著名公司和破產案件以及向樞密院的上訴提供諮詢。 後者包括重組交易、糾紛和重大投標交易。 他以“樂於接受最困難的案件”而聞名,他的成就激勵了其他人。

