LexisNexis® 40 UNDER 40 2022 律商聯訊「40位40歲以下精英」榜單

Yue Yin 尹月

Partner 合夥人

Jingtian & Gongcheng 北京市競天公誠律師事務所

LexisNexis® 40 UNDER 40 2022 律商聯訊「40位40歲以下精英」榜單

Yin graduated from Peking University in 2004, where she double-majored in law and economy. In 2013, she obtained a master’s degree in Finance from the Peking University School of Economics. Later, she graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with an LL.M degree as well as a certificate in the course of American law and business from Wharton School. Apart from pursuing her academic achievements, Yin has also made significant progress in her career. Yin joined Jingtian & Gongcheng Law Firm when she graduated in 2004 as an Associate, and she was promoted to a Partner in 2013.

Yin is a certified Chinese lawyer, and she is admitted by the New York Bar. In her years of practice, she has delivered professional services in multiple areas. These include securities and capital markets, FDIs and M&As. Her clients include listed companies such as China Resources Mixc Lifestyle Services Limited, China Overseas Property Holdings Limited, etc.

Yin is ranked by ALB as one of the Top 15 Female Lawyers, and she is recommended by Legal 500 in the area of Real Estate and Construction. She is also selected by Who’s Who Legal as one of the Leading Business Lawyers in the Chinese Capital Market and ranked as one of the Top 10 Most Recommended E-Sports Lawyers in Mainland China. Despite her rich experiences, Yin never lowers her self-expectations and she immerses herself in every project. She accomplishes every task on time no matter how complex or urgent it may be.

尹女士(Yin)於2004年畢業於北京大學,主修法律和經濟雙學位。 2013年獲得北京大學經濟學院金融學碩士學位。其後,她畢業於賓夕法尼亞大學,獲得法學碩士學位以及沃頓商學院的美國法律和商業課程證書。除了追求她的學業成就外,尹在她的事業上也取得了長足的進步。尹女士於2004年畢業時加入競天公誠律師事務所,擔任合夥人,2013年晉升為合夥人。


尹律師被 ALB 評為 15 位最佳女律師之一,並被 Legal 500 推薦為房地產和建築領域的律師。她還被《名人錄》(Who’s Who Legal)評選為中國資本市場領先的商業律師之一,並被評為中國大陸十大最受推薦的電子競技律師之一。儘管經驗豐富,但尹從不降低對自己的期望,她全身心地投入到每一個項目中。她按時完成每一項任務,無論它多麼複雜或緊急。