LexisNexis® 40 UNDER 40 2022 律商聯訊「40位40歲以下精英」榜單

En Hong 洪恩

Chief Compliance Officer and General Counsel

AnglePoint Asset Management Limited 角點資產管理有限公司

LexisNexis® 40 UNDER 40 2022 律商聯訊「40位40歲以下精英」榜單

En Hong is the Chief Compliance Officer and General Counsel at AnglePoint Asset Management Limited, a 2021 hedge fund spinoff from Hillhouse Capital. As a member of the founding team post-spinoff, he has established a top-tier institutional compliance program and leads all of the firm’s legal matters. Prior to AnglePoint, En was the Chief Compliance Officer and Counsel at Ward Ferry Management. Before joining the buy side, En was the Head of Compliance, Greater China, for Brown Brothers Harriman, where he helped bridge the culture gap between their US and China offices. He began his legal career as Compliance Counsel at China International Capital Corporation and rose through the ranks in New York and Hong Kong.

What has helped En succeed in his career is not just legal and regulatory expertise, but his understanding of the business of each firm where he has served. En also goes out of his way to ensure that junior staff working with him are well trained, coached, and mentored, and has a relentless drive to improve upon the status quo.

En is an active member of the legal and regulatory community, having contributed to SIFMA and AIMA working groups and as a speaker for industry events and groups in Hong Kong and China. En holds a J.D. from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a B.S. from Emory University.

洪恩是2021從Hillhouse Capital分拆出來的對沖基金AnglePoint Asset Management Limited的首席合規官兼總法律顧問。 作為分拆後創始團隊的一員,他建立了頂級機构合規計劃,並領導公司的所有法律事務。 在加入AnglePoint之前,洪恩是Ward Ferry Management的首席合規官和法律顧問。 在加入買方之前,洪恩是Brown Brothers Harriman大中華區合規總監,在那裡他幫助彌合了他們在美國和中國辦事處之間的文化差异。 他在中國國際金融公司(China International Capital Corporation)擔任合規顧問,開始了他的法律生涯,並在紐約和香港獲得晉升機會。

幫助洪恩在職業生涯中取得成功的不僅僅是法律和監管專業知識,還有他對所服務的每家公司業務的理解。 洪恩還竭盡全力確保與他一起工作的初級員工得到良好的培訓、輔導和指導,並有不斷改善現狀的動力。
